Be a part of the change
Donate to Colegio San Antonio
How can I help?
We welcome everyone to take action in order to help communities improve the air they breathe. By accepting donations, we ensure critically vulnerable sectors are protected against COVID-19 and future airborne threats.
Currently, we are accepting monetary donations and cryptocurrency (BitCoin). Our team of certified public accountants puts transparency first, making sure donations are used efficiently.
Help protect the lives of children
With your donation, you are directly helping the vulnerable members of our communities. Donations towards this campaign will help us deploy a series of low level hydrogen peroxide generators in every classroom in order to protect students and teachers during this back to school season and beyond.
What is being done to help?
In collaboration with SayNet, Shared Air Solutions Consultants, and BonAir, we have performed studies and tests to determine what are the sections with the highest risk. In order to protect students and teachers in these high-risk sections, a series of measures must be implemented. Your donation will help fund the implementation of CIMR technology in every classroom and common area.

Puerto Rico Leads las Americas, Inc.
Fundación para La Prevención del Parto Prematuro y el Coronavirus, Inc.
Symphonic Dream Foundation, Inc.

A full school year with 0 COVID contagions in the Colegio San Antonio de Padua.
Together we achieved a full school year with no COVID spread.